맥스앤루비 시즌 1 대본

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08 Quiet, Max


















Come on Max.
We're going to watch Baby Huffington during his naptime.
We'll have to be very very quiet so he doesn't wake up.
It's going to be fun.
Don't worry, I've brought some toys for you to play with.

Ruby! Max!
You're here!
Come on in!
Baby Huffington is asleep.

And our job is to make sure he stays that way!



That's right Max.

I've left a snack for you in the kitchen if you get hungry.
And I'll be right out here in the garden if you need me.

Don't worry Mrs. H.
You can count on us!

Thanks Ruby.

Max! No, Max!
You can't turn on the radio one.
That will wake Baby Huffington!
Come on.
Let's go check and make sure Baby Huffington is still asleep.
Remember Max, we have to be quiet.


He's sleeping. like a baby!
Come on, Max.
And remember!
Shhhh. Shh..
I brought my brand new dolly to play with - Little Miss Miracle.
It's a miracle all the things she can do!
And I brought some quiet toys for you to play with, Max.
Here's Slinky Snake.
You have to play quietly Max so we don't wake Baby Huffington.
Playing with Little Miss Miracle is quiet and it's good practice for babysitting Baby Huffington.
She's just like a real live baby.
See? If you lie her down, she closes her eyes, just like Baby Huffington.
And if you stand her up again, her eyes open.
Isn't she great, Max?
Oh no!
I hope we didn't wake Baby Huffington.
Whew! He's still sleeping!
Come on, Max.
And from now on, remember, no noise. Shhhh. Shh.
That was close!
Oh no you don't, Max.
That radio is too noisy.
Look, I've got another quiet toy for you.
You can play with them while I play with Little Miss Miracle.
She even has her own Little Miss Miracle hairbrush.
And Max, look what happens if you push this button here.
Her hair grows longer!
Isn't that a miracle, Max?
Max! Oh no you don't!
Okay, we'll have to find something else that's quiet for you to do.
Hmm, I know!
Mrs. Huffington said she left a snack in the kitchen.
Why don't you go get it for us?
And Max?
Shhh! Shh.
You want to have a snack too, don't you Little Miss Miracle?
And you need a bib around your neck just like Baby Huffington does.
Now you're all ready for your snack.
I wonder what's taking Max so long.
Max! What are you doing? Max?
Max! Oh no!
I hope we didn't wake Baby Huffington!
Shh. Ahh.
It's okay.
He's still asleep!
Let's go eat our snacks in the kitchen, Max.
And remember! Shhhh. Shh.
Eating snacks was a good quiet thing to do.
Now it's time to feed Little Miss Miracle her snack.
Come on, Max. Unh unh. Shh.
From now on, you're playing with me and Little Miss Miracle, so I can make sure you're quiet.
Little Miss Miracle eats just like we do!
All you do is push another button and she swallows just like a real baby!
Here, hold her and I'll show you how.
It's one of these buttons back here.

Waa waa I'm Little Miss Miracle, Waa waa!
I'm Little Miss Miracle, Waa waa waa!

I pushed the wrong button!
Oh no! I woke up Baby Huffington!

I can talk and I can sleep I can walk and I can eat.
I'm Little Miss Miracle Waa, Waa Waa!

Shhhhhh! Quiet!



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